

The Managing Director of the department of Thoracopulmonary Surgery at the Careggi University Hospital of Florence is Dr. Prof. Luca Voltolini. The department works on malignant and benign pathologies, as well as on malformations regarding thorax and organs contained in it, excluding the cardiovascular apparatus. It supplies a surgery service concerning malignant lung, trachea and bronchus carcinoma, benign lung tumor, mediastinal tumors, malignant pleural mesothelioma, pleural emphysema, intrathoracic goitre, pneumothorax, chylothorax, pulmunary emphysema, direct and indirect thorax trauma, diaphragm pathologies, malign and benign cervical thoracic pathologies, other than invasive methodologies of thoracopulmunary diagnostics (fibrobronchoscopy, pleuroscopy, vats). The operating unit also operates gastroesophageal plastic surgery on esophageal cancer.


The Thoracic Surgery Division was born as an autonomous entity in 1992, and established itselft as a medical centre of excellence since the very beginning, for thoracic surgical oncology, tracheal and broncus surgery. Furthermore, in 1995 the Pulmunary Transplantation Centre was born.
Year after year, growing attention was payed to the development of minimally invasive surgery techniques and to the adoption of technical innovations. From year 2002, robot-assisted surgery operations were performed regularly in particular for the removal of mediastinal masses, while from 2012 video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery is used to effectuate major pulmonary resections. To date, our centre is at the top for total amount of pulmunary lobectomies performed in VATS, counting experience on over 500 cases.


The centre handles oncologic and functional pathologies from diagnosis to therapy: the presence of a multidisciplinary lung-team made possible to offer a treatment level at the cutting edge of both areas of interest. Being an academic department, the clinical section exists beside an important clinical and preclinical scientific activity. Minimally invasive pulmonary surgery is executed from more than 20 years, and it represents the chosen approach to take on major resections and on mediastinal lesions removal since 2010. Clinical studies are conducted especially to evaluate the efficiency of both uniportal and triportal VATS technique. Transplant activity grows beside the oncological one, which increase brought the centre to be at the top on national level. Surgeons and anesthesists dedicate themselves to organ’s regeneration since 2011, therefore which the most advanced techniques are used for.